Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Folks came home

Well my parents returned today. My mom was quite surprised all that we were able to get done. She knew we might get the butterfly bush removed, she just didn't know how nice we'd make the whole front of the house look when done. She also didn't expect all of the raised planting beds to be finished. She thought maybe one or two would be..and she only expected them to be 1/2 as high as they are. She thought it was too much work to put the beds 2 logs high but my brother and I decided it would be silly not to get it done correctly right off.

We also got got the house cleaned up nicely which makes it so much easier on her to relax and enjoy her last few days off before she goes back to work.


I am still waiting for my computer repair person to call and let me know when they will fix my computer. Its odd working back on my laptop after having the nice big computer for so long. I don't have all of my peripherals hooked up like my printer or my hard drives so no access to the photos and stuff I normally would have...oh well can live I guess.

We started our Walk to Aunt Joan's house. I went all of 1/3 of a mile on my gazelle. I walked downtown for several blocks too but didn't really count that. It was raining pretty hard today so didnt' get outside much to get a real walk in.


I need to take my car back in to get the final pin stripe down the side. When its all over will take some final pictures to show off. Will look much better.


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